THE TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE REGULAR SESSION OF 2000 NOTICE OF RECONVENE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 TIME: 4:00 pm PLACE: Conference Room 325 State Capitol A G E N D A The Conference Committee will reconvene to resolve differences between the last House and Senate versions of the following: SB2121 SD1 HD1 RELATING TO OBSOLETE LAWS (Repeal or amendment of laws to eliminate obsolete statutes or session laws; HD: adds provisions to repeal obsolete administrative rules, streamlines agency procedures to repeal unnecessary administrative rules) Conferees: Senators Chumbley/Matsunaga/Tam, Co-Chairs; Sakamoto, Anderson Representatives Herkes, Chair; Ahu Isa, Luke, Halford SB2711 SD1 HD1 RELATING TO ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE (Repeal of obsolete admin rules; rule making requirements; legislative management committee oversight) Conferees: Senators Chumbley/Matsunaga, Co- Chairs; Sakamoto, Anderson Representatives Herkes/Menor, Co-Chairs; Luke, Halford AS THIS IS A DECISION MAKING MEETING, PUBLIC TESTIMONY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to attend this meeting (i.e. sign language interpreter, wheelchair accessibility, or parking designated for the disabled), please contact the committee staff 24 hours prior to the meeting so arrangements can be made. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL THE COMMITTEE STAFF AT 586- 6911. _____________________________ _______________________________ Sen. Avery B. Chumbley Rep. Robert N. Herkes Co-Chair Co-Chair _____________________________ ______________________________ Sen. Matthew M. Matsunaga Rep. Ron Menor Co-Chair Co-Chair _____________________________ Sen. Rod Tam Co-Chair